Agents and brokers have used these leads to increase their income by $50,000 per year and more. Leads are furnished to you based on the amount of business you do with J.L. Herring and Associates. The more business you do — the more leads you get. We furnish each lead to only one agent or broker. If you work with us, we will always send any lead we get on your business back to you. We will not put another person in competition with you on your business. Because of this, we choose to work with a very limited number of agencies in each area.

We obtain our leads through telemarketing and direct mail. We either call “cold” or send a pre-approach letter and follow up with a telephone call. We generate all leads in-house and send them out while they are fresh – usually within 24 hours.
How it works …
You are free to write business from the leads with whatever carrier fits best. If you sell plans that we represent, we expect you to write that business through J.L. Herring and Associates, Managing General Agency. If you sell business with carriers that we do not represent, you write it through your regular channels and we are not involved. If you write the business through J.L. Herring and Associates, that business will generate new leads for you. The leads will never cost you in any way. You always receive your full commission directly from the carrier and you also receive all bonuses you qualify for with the carriers. We are managing general agents and get paid directly from the carriers without affecting your compensation.